In this weeks sermon we learn what does it mean to be controlled by the love of Christ and what actions excite the love of Christ within us?
In this sermon Pastor Tom looks at how Philippians 1:6 speaks to the very character of God, which is that God finishes all that he starts. In this sermon we learn about who God is, what is God's plan for the universal church, and what is God's plan for the individual believer.
Unfortunately, the first 10min of the sermon were not able to be recorded but enjoy the final 30min! In this sermon we learn how Paul is able to be comforted by the church, how the church brings joy to our prayers and that this is all because of the works of God.
Join us as Pastor Tom begins our new series in the book of Philippians. In this sermon we will learn the three major themes of the letter and how they are applicable to the entire church.
In this sermon we learn two truths:
1) The world, Satan, or Sin, may strike us, but they will never defeat us, because God will not allow the enemy to stop the advancement of the Gospel, rather he will use them to propel the Gospel forward.
2) If you want to share the gospel with greater courage, more boldness, and without the fear of man, then fill your mind with the first truth.